Graduate Certificate Opportunity
Graduate students making good progress in their degree are welcome to consult with the Director of Graduate Studies and the Certificate Academic Directors about the benefit of completing a Graduate Certificate during their program of study. Graduate Certificates offer graduate students an opportunity to highlight additional curricular specialization on their official University of Kansas transcript and via a diploma issued through the Office of Graduate Studies. The following Graduate Certificates are closely connected to French graduate degree outcomes, but graduate students are welcome to investigate other certificate options offered through the University to best suit their professional interests.
Students must formally apply to the certificate program no later than the last semester they take a course that will count towards the certificate.
Second Language Studies Graduate Certificate
The purpose of the Graduate Certificate program in Second Language Studies (SLS) is to enhance the preparation and professionalization of graduate students in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC), the Department of Linguistics, and other departments affiliated with SLLC. The certificate provides an opportunity at KU for graduate students of foreign language, literature, and culture and theoretical linguistics to add a concentration in applied linguistics and language teaching.
Certificate Requirements:
The certificate is awarded to M.A. or Ph.D. students who successfully complete 4 graduate-level courses across disciplines (12 credits total) as outlined below:
- LING 715 Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition
- LA&S 720 Introduction to Language Teaching Research or another approved* related graduate-level course offered by Linguistics, CLAS languages, literatures, and cultures departments, or by the School of Education.
- A graduate-level course in Linguistics, or another approved* related graduate-level course offered by Linguistics, CLAS languages, literatures, and cultures departments, or by the School of Education.
- Elective course in Second Language Studies. This could be fulfilled by a Teaching Methods course required of GTAs teaching in the School of Languages Literatures and Cultures (FREN 704, SLAV 824, SPAN 801) or another approved* related graduate-level course offered by Linguistics, CLAS languages, literatures, and cultures departments, or by the School of Education.
A student who has prior coursework deemed equivalent to any of the required courses may replace the required course with an approved elective.
*Graduate-level course equivalents will be approved by the Linguistics Academic Administrator for the Second Language Studies certificate program for Linguistics students and by the Academic Director for the Second Language Studies certificate program for all other students.
Current KU Students
Students must formally apply to the certificate program no later than the last semester they take a course that will count towards the certificate.
A student must be in good standing with their graduate degree program in order to participate in the certificate program. A graduate GPA of 3.0 or higher is required for admission. The application process entails completing the online application, payment of the $30 application fee, and submitting materials required for the Second Language Studies (SLS) Certificate:
- A C.V. or Resume.
- A personal statement declaring your interest in Second Language Studies and its relationship to your graduate course of study and/or career objectives.
- 1 letter of recommendation from your graduate degree program.
- A KU Advising report in lieu of an official transcript.
Non-KU students or KU Alumni
Non-KU students or KU Alumni must have a previously completed advanced degree in an applicable field with a graduate GPA of 3.0 of higher. The application process entails completing the online application, submitting materials required for the Second Language Studies (SLS) Certificate:
- A C.V. or Resume.
- A personal statement declaring your interest in Second Language Studies and its relationship to your graduate course of study and/or career objectives.
- 2 letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your academic work or potential for graduate study.
- Official transcripts from any institutions where coursework related to study in your second language was completed.
Send official sealed transcripts to:
Graduate Admissions
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Strong Hall, Room 313
Lawrence, KS 66045
Medieval and Early Modern Studies Graduate Certificate
The purpose of the Graduate certificate program in Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) is to enhance the interdisciplinary preparation and professionalization of graduate students in a broad spectrum of departments in, or allied to, the Humanities, as well as in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC). The certificate provides an opportunity at KU for graduate students to add a concentration in Medieval Studies, Early Modern Studies, or a combination of both.
Certificate Requirements:
The certificate is awarded to M.A. or Ph.D. students who successfully complete 4 graduate-level courses across disciplines (12 credits total) drawn from a list of available courses. Coursework must be approved by a MEMS advisor and include at least one course chosen from outside the student's department. No directed readings or independent studies will be accepted, but rarely-offered courses not listed below may be considered for approval.
Current KU Students
Students must formally apply to the certificate program no later than the last semester they take a course that will count towards the certificate.
A student must be in good standing with their graduate degree program in order to participate in the certificate program. A graduate GPA of 3.0 or higher is required for admission. The application process entails completing the online application, payment of the $30 application fee, and submitting materials required for the Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) Certificate:
- A C.V. or Resume
- A personal statement declaring your interest in Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) and its relationship to your graduate course of study and/or career objectives
- An endorsement from your graduate degree program
- A KU Advising report in lieu of an official transcript
Non-KU students or KU Alumni
Non-KU students or KU Alumni must have a previously completed advanced degree in an applicable field with a graduate GPA of 3.0 of higher. The application process entails completing the online application, submitting materials required for the Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) Certificate:
- A C.V. or Resume
- A personal statement declaring your interest in Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) and its relationship to your graduate course of study and/or career objectives
- Two letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your academic work or potential for graduate study
- Official transcripts from any institutions where coursework related to study in Medieval and Early Modern Studies was completed
Send official sealed transcripts to:
Graduate Admissions
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Strong Hall, Room 313
Lawrence, KS 66045