Patrizio Ceccagnoli

- Associate Professor of Italian
- Undergraduate Director of Italian
Contact Info
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045-7594
TR 4-5pm
Biography —
Patrizio Ceccagnoli is currently an Associate Professor of Italian at the University of Kansas, where he has taught since 2014. Previously, he taught Italian at University of Massachusetts Amherst, Fordham University, and Columbia University, where he received his Ph.D. in 2011. In Fall 2019, he co-edited the special issue of peer-reviewed journal Costellazioni on the link between Italian Romanticist poet Giacomo Leopardi and ecocriticism. Ceccagnoli is the first editor of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s unpublished poem, Il Poema di Fiume, as well as of the first edition of Marinetti’s novel Venezianella e Studentaccio, in collaboration with Paolo Valesio, a project for which Ceccagnoli was nominated for the Marino Moretti Award.
His monograph entitled L’Ultimo Marinetti. Prosopopee, guerre e altri feticci futuristi [Marinetti’s Last Years: Prosopopoeias, Wars, and Other Futurist Fetishes] is forthcoming with Quodlibet (Italy). Ceccagnoli also translated two books of Milo de Angelis’ poetry in collaboration with Susan Stewart, Theme of Farewell and After-Poems, published with the University of Chicago Press in 2013. For this translation, Ceccagnoli was nominated for the American Literary Translator’s Association Annual Award in 2014. He is a managing editor of Italian Poetry Review.
Education —
Research —
Research interests:
- 19th- and 20th-century Italian Literature and Culture
- Italian and European Avant-garde of the 20th century
- Giacomo Leopardi and Italian Romanticism
- Theory and practice of translation
- Textual criticism and literary theory
Teaching —
Recent Undergraduate Courses Taught
"That's Amore": Fragments of a Discourse on Love (First Year Seminar)
Italian Food Culture
Italian Crime Fiction
“Down with Professors!” Italian Futurism and Other Avant-garde Follies.
Twentieth-Century Italian Theatre.
The Pursuit of Happiness: Giacomo Leopardi.
Sex, Wit, and Gender in the Middle-Ages: Boccaccio’s Decameron.
Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Introduction to Italian Literature I and II.
Italy and the Italians.
Selected Publications —
Co-Translator (with Susan Stewart). Antonella Anedda. Historiae. New York: New York Review of Books, 2023.
Translator. Anne Carson. Decreazione. Milan: Utopia, 2023.
Editor. Anne Carson. Vetro, Ironia e Dio. Milan: Crocetti/Feltrinelli, 2023.
Translator. Anne Carson. Eros il dolceamaro. Milan: Utopia, 2022.
Editor. Anne Carson. Era una nuvola. Milan: Crocetti/Feltrinelli, 2021.
Translator. Anne Carson. Economia dell’imperduto. Milan: Utopia, 2020.
Co-Translator (with Susan Stewart). Milo De Angelis. Theme of Farewell and After-Poems. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Co-Editor (with Paolo Valesio). Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Venezianella e Studentaccio. Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2013.
“The Tale of the Two Cecco’s (IX.4),” in S. Barsella and S. Marchesi, eds. The Decameron. Ninth Day in Perspective. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2022, pp. 97-119
“Sulla poesia odeporica di Anne Carson”, in Trasparenze, Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, 8/2022, pp. 16-29.
“Intervista a Claudio Morandini, autore del romanzo Neve, cane, piede”. Italica, 98.2, Summer 2021, pp. 415-27.
“Lo sguardo della zanzara e dell’ape. Echi antropomorfici in Leopardi.” Costellazioni, no. X, Roma, October 2019, pp. 17-32.
“Eco-Leopardi. Visioni apocalittiche e critica dell’umano nel poeta della natura,” Introduzione. Costellazioni, no. X, Roma, October 2019, pp. 9-15.
“L’ultima poetica futurista: oltre il paroliberismo, l’alfabeto in libertà”, in Il Futurismo: anni ’10 – anni ’20. Edited by Giancarlo Carpi with Francesca Villanti. Milano: Skira 2018, pp. 24-31.
“Dalle pantofole all’infilascarpe. Preistoria di uno degli altri Xenia di Montale,” in Italian Poetry Review, X-XI, 2015-16, pp. 305-313, 2017.
“La bellezza di Anne Carson,” in Poesia, 325, April 2017, pp. 3-5.
“Anne Carson: Dalla parte di Lesbia (e del fratello),” in Poesia, 307, September 2015, pp. 2-5.
“Platone e gli ‘scambiati oggetti.’ Per un Leopardi feticista,” in Leopardi: immaginazione e realtà. Edited by Alessandra Mirra. Introduction by Fabio Finotti. Marsilio, Venezia, 2015, pp. 77- 88.
“Anniversari, date e alfabeto in libertà: Marinetti 70 anni dopo” in Marinetti 70, edited by Antonio Saccoccio, Armando Editore, Rome, 2014, pp. 87-90.
"'Il Poema di Fiume.' Un inedito marinettiano" (critical edition). L'Ellisse 5 (2010), pp. 209-39.
"'Necrofilia e prosopopea della materia: La personificazione in Marinetti" (essay). Annali di Italianistica 27 (2009). pp. 309-31.
(with Susan Stewart), From Historiae, poems by Antonella Anedda, The Paris Review, 231, Winter 2019, pp. 129-30.
From The Beauty of the Husband, poems by Anne Carson, Nuovi Argomenti, Sesta Serie, 2, Milano, Mondadori, Sept.-Dec. 2019, pp. 110-17.
(with Susan Stewart), From Encounters and Ambushes, poems by Milo De Angelis, in Kenyon Review, Vol XL, no. 4, July/Aug 2018: 57-9.
(with Susan Stewart), From Tutte le poesie, poems by Sandro Penna, in Nuovi Argomenti, 79, July-September 2017, pp. 72-79 [with my Note to the text, pp. 78-9].
From The Beauty of the Husband, poems by Anne Carson, in Poesia, 325, April 2017, pp. 6-13.
From Men in the Off Hours and Nox, poems by Anne Carson, in Poesia, 307, September 2015, pp. 6-11.
From Here and Now, poems of Stephen Dunn, in Poesia, 263, May 2014, pp. 3-13 [with a critical preface: After Pavese: la “poesia-racconto” di Stephen Dunn].
With Susan Stewart. "New Poems," translations of Milo De Angelis. Gradiva 37-38 (2010): 160-71.
With Susan Stewart. From Theme of Farewell, poems of Milo De Angelis. Poetry 3 (2007): 222-23.
With Susan Stewart. "Contemporary Italian Poetry." TriQuarterly 127 (2007): From Theme of Farewell, poems of Milo De Angelis, pp. 74-83; from Cose, poems of Edoardo Sanguineti, pp. 182-95; from Il cuore del girasole, poems of Paolo Valesio, pp. 204-13.