Mathis Philippe

Photo of Mathis Philippe
  • GTA in French

Contact Info

Wescoe 2047
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Office Hours:
MW 11:30-12:30pm


Mathis is from Saint-Brieuc, Bretagne but he grew up mostly in Poligny, France. He graduated in Anglophone Literature and History from the Université de Franche-Comté. He also spent his final year of undergraduate at Gaillimh (Galway), National University of Ireland where he studied Irish Literature and History as well as the Irish language and music.


He currently is in his second year of Masters at KU in French and Francophone studies. His interests are both in Medieval French literature as well as Francophone literature.

He also took part in the revival of the French Ciné Club. The Ciné Club allows French students (and French lovers) to watch movies that are part of the French Culture and that students wouldn’t necessarily come across in an American environment.


FREN 110- FREN120 and currently teaching FREN 230