Kamba Kombat

- GTA in French
Contact Info
Wescoe 2046
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Office Hours:
TR 2-3pm
TR 2-3pm
Biography —
Kombat Kamba, a national of Ghana, is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Kansas after obtaining a joint master’s degree in European Literary Cultures from the University of Strasbourg (France) and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters program. He is a trained language instructor from the University of Education in Ghana where he obtained his bachelor’s degree.
Research —
Kamba’s current and previous research include 18th century French literature, francophone literacy productions with a focus on “Africa and France” relations and Otherness (altérité) through travel narratives.
Teaching —
FREN 110