Honors and Awards

Honors and Awards

The Department is pleased to recognize the outstanding work of its students at the annual Honors Reception in April. In addition to certificates and book awards given to excellent students in 300 and 400-level courses, the Department also confers these special awards:

  • Excellence in French 326, in memory of Barbara M. Craig
  • Excellence in French 350 or 352, in memory of Hélène Germain-Simões
  • Harvey S. Nelson Scholarship for Outstanding Junior French Major
  • J. Neal Carman Award for Outstanding Graduating French Major
  • Outstanding Graduating French Minor
  • Allen S. Wilber Scholarship for a graduating senior who plans to pursue graduate study at KU

Students majoring in French may graduate with Honors in French by completing six hours of French 499 (Honors in French), in addition to the thirty hours of course work required by the major. Students interested in graduating with honors should consult the department by their junior year. Before enrolling in 499, students must consult in advance with the faculty member with whom they hope to work.

In order to undertake Honors work, students must already have the grade-point average required for eventual graduation with Honors: 3.25 or higher in all course work and at least 3.5 in French courses taken at the major level. They should have already completed most of the course work required for the major, including at least two 400-level courses. Students normally take the six hours of French 499 in two separate three-credit courses, in consecutive semesters.

Work completed in 499 is expected to be of higher quality than that done in regular major courses. At the end of each three-credit course, the student must produce a paper of original quality, including a meaningful research component. Papers must have a minimum length of 20 pages per three credit hours and must conform to MLA format.

The Honors paper must be completed by the final day of classes in a given semester. It will be graded by the student's mentor and by two other faculty members. The grade given by the mentor will constitute 50% of the grade for the course; the grad given by each of the other two faculty members will count for 25%. The cumulative grade must be at least B+ in order for the work to count for the completion of Honors. If the cumulative grade is lower than a B+, the student will receive credit for French 495 (Directed Reading in French), but will not count towards Honors.